Consulting Lawyers Who Are "Stuck" in Doubt and Indecision
Lawyer Career Consulting DC helps lawyers get "unstuck" from unhappy legal careers by overcoming uncertainty, fear, and an overwhelming sense of loss in leaving the practice of law.
Lawyer Career Consulting DC can help you confront the practical and emotional realities involved inchanging your career:
- "Stepping Backward": Despite your discontent, you may have misgivings about making a fundamental career change. You may fear it is impractical to leave the practice of law. While "making the best" of your legal position, you may attempt to "buy time" for yourself by strengthening personal relationships and renewing personal interests outside work.
- Staying Too Long in Law: For fear of losing status and income security, you may make enormous effort to avoid leaving the profession. You may "over-stay" your current legal jobs, experience a significant decline in productivity, and suffer growing disillusionment and despair, which can interfere with your personal relationships and other aspects of your life.
- Deterred From Making A Break: You may eventually choose to undertake a radical career change, seeking new professional training or a new vocation or business unrelated to law. However, law school debt and other financial obligations, family pressures, and personal "status" investments may make it difficult for you to leave the field.
- Looking Outside the Law: You may prefer to take a non-legal job -- in government, a non-profit organization, or corporate sector. However, only a limited number of satisfying and remunerative non-legal positions are available in these sectors for lawyers.
- Distress Can Become Overwhelming: If you hesitate too long in changing you career, or encounter overwhelming obstacles, the despair can immobilize you, impeding your career search. Lawyer Career Consulting DC can help you rebuild your confidence, your motivation, and your realistic hope that you can find an alternative to practicing law. The search for a new career then begins again.
There is no "short cut" to a thoughtful decision to leave the practice of law:
- No bright-line formula exists in order to determine whether a legal career can be salvaged.
- The decision cannot be made "casually," or in a rigid format.
- The decision is personal and subjective, though it must also take into account objective factors involving finances and job availability.
- In some cases, the answer is unmistakably clear. In other cases, the answer is difficult to discern and emerges gradually over time.
- Lawyer Career Consulting DC can offer you feedback that is individually appropriate and is informed by many years of experience working with other discontented lawyers in many professional settings.
- Lawyer Career Consulting DC cannot make this decision for you. You will need to make it for yourself, with encouragement and assistance.
Lawyer Career Consulting DC has helped hundreds of lawyers to clarify and resolve if the law still has "life" for them.As a discontented lawyer, with so much at stake, your consultations on this issue may be among the most important conversations you will ever have with anyone.
““You cannot let your fear and insecurity overcome your desire.””